martes, 31 de octubre de 2006


Esta columna va por adelantado. Usualmente suelo referirme a hechos acontecidos, pero hoy quiero expresar de antemano lo que sentiré dentro de unas horas más...

I hate Halloween! I think this is the ugliest holiday ever! First, it only reveales how we been colonized by american people and their plastic culture. Plastic like the pumpkins-for-candies that Jumbo sells. Plastic like the whitches and skull masks for children. I only hope that this little demons won´t go to my door tonight. I'll turn off the lights early and I will go to bed inmediatly like last year. I don't care if my brother then said to me "you are like those characters of Charles Dickens stories, the older and anger ones..."

The reason of this dislike is simple. Halloween response to a completely different tradition. Non of the Latinamerican spirit is reflected in this celebration. I mean, we live everytime besides witches and demons, and we treat our deads like living persons (think in peruvian or mexican parties) and not as a pretext for make the sells goes up. Hollywood are not interest in our culture at all, except for give us the role of drug-dealers. And then, we send thousands of people across the Río Grande...

I think this is terrible. I don´t understand how someone can kick out his culture and look for another one. I can't understand, really. How a razonable man can quit to his own language and embrace the words of imperialism. Halloween... it only show us how far the snobism gets.

Can anyone explain this situation to me?

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